Monday, November 14, 2011

Reporting from Liberia

We have been spending a great amount of time with our CCM Pastors, learning about their ministry, understanding the culture and getting to know them.

It's been so good to see the villages that I did not have a chance to see last time I was here.

Thursday and Friday the morning we had Peacemakers training and in the afternoon we went to visit the churches in the villages close by. Saturday we had a Training for the Children's Leaders and in the afternoon we had over 500 children for games, rope jumping, singing and dancing.

Sunday we went to church and after we had lunch the girls played kick ball and the guys soccer. It was a very fun day.

Today we stayed home discussing WHAT'S IN OUR HANDS and brainstorming how to develop the Liberian church to accomplish what they want to do.

Tomorrow we are going site seeing to downtown Monrovia and having lunch at one of the Pastor's house.

Posted via email from lauraelena's posterous

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