Friday, November 4, 2011

Going back to Liberia


As most of you know, Robert and I will be going to Liberia as part of an 8 member scouting team from Trinity Church.

We are leaving on November 8th and returning November 16th.

The main purpose of our trip is to build relationships with the Community Church Ministries (  Trinity plans to work with CCM for the next 3 to 5 years. Also our team will:
  • Spend a day working with children, possibly 500, as well as training/coaching the childrens leaders.
  • Present a 2 day peacemakers/conflict resolution workshop.
  • Visit some of the new church plants outside Monrovia.
  • Develop a vision for future projects/trips.
Our prayer requests are:
* For God to use the trip as He wills.  
* For Health and energy to accomplish what He would have us do.
* To see wholeheartedly God's plan, God's people and not our circumstances.

We appreciate your prayers and support.

Thank you for sending us!

Robert and Laura Hill

You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear
fruit—fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask
in my name. John 15:16

Posted via email from lauraelena's posterous

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