Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Logos Hope Ship

This weekend we were invited to the reception of LOGOS HOPE ship,
which is one of the Operation Mobilization ships.
It was so much fun meeting so many people from different countries;
the team is formed by 400 people from 50 nations.
I went with Christine and her husband Lawrence and Maresha. The
Vice-president was present in the opening of the book store. The have
over 7,500 books on board and they travel around the world bringing
knowledge, help and hope.
They will be in Liberia till August 25th. I meet a couple from
Argentina who are missionaries in Liberia and also from the LOGOS team
a nice groups Latinos, who were very friendly and kind making sure we
had a good time and saw different areas of the ship.
We will be going later in the next two weeks to different events, one
of their teams will be working in a REAP’s camp for youth, doing
counseling, sharing their testimonies and also pouring the floor of
the administrative office.
Next Sunday Maresha and I will go to their Church Service on board and
will also stay till dinner to prepare some good Mexican food.

Posted via email from lauraelena's posterous

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