Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Full and Fun Weekend

Saturday two weeks ago I was invited to church to teach in a workshop
about leadership. It was for the worship team leaders. I thought, Wow,
I have never spoken anywhere about leadership, but God was good to me
bringing to my memory some good examples from my own experience as
well as some public figures in sports who are good and bad examples of
leadership. The group was engaged and seemed to understand the
importance of using basic biblical principles in their leadership

After the workshop while waiting for my ride, I started playing with
few kids of the community around the church (of course my little
Robert was there). I didn’t have much to organize games with, so I
asked for a broom stick or something similar. Since the worship band
was practicing we had music, so with the stick and the music we were
doing the limbo dance; all of the sudden kids multiplied. Later on
older kids came and we had to change the game, so we did a one leg
hopping race. I got some exercise, some sun and a lot of fun.

Later in the early evening Christine invited to the beach the orphan
kids who were staying at her house. She prepared a lot of food,
brought a soccer ball and 10 of us got in one car (Liberian style).
For some of the kids was the firs time at the beach. We had a great
time and I got to enjoy a beautiful sunset.

Sunday was a day of adventures. After service Pastors and church
leaders had a meeting, so I just hanged out with the kids. After the
meeting they invited me to have lunch with them, it was quite an
experience. It was Fufu, which is like a round unbaked bread made of
cassava (looks like beige playdough) and some fish immersed in a soupy
gravy. They showed me how to each it; you take a piece of Fufu, make
it like a ball and dip it in the gravy. Since I was a guest I went
first, but everyone eats from the same plate, everyone dip their
fingers in the gravy. They were kind enough and separated some fish
for me.

After lunch we went to the pig’s farm that the church is considering
to buy to start a business to support the church and provide jobs for
the congregation. All the leaders, pastors and me got in 2 cars and 1
motor bike to the farm. The road was bad and the cars were too low, so
few times we had to get out of the car, either to push or just to be
able to go over some big bumps.
Once in the farm, the owner of the pigs explained that he started it
thinking that was a good business; he sold few pigs but later on he
didn’t have the heart to kill the pigs that he saw rising. He wants
the church to keep this business because he knows that their goal is
to help their people and that will be successful because they are
responsible and are doing it for the right reasons.
I love the people of this church, it was a fun Sunday !!.

Posted via email from lauraelena's posterous

1 comment:

  1. Laura, thanks for sharing whats happening, nice blog entry. Hope there are more days with kids..limbo...beaches...teaching...outdoors...farm visits and all!
