Sunday, July 18, 2010

Cultural experience in Center Monrovia and more.....

These last days I have had more Liberian culture experiences.

On Wednesday, I went with Christine to the Samaritan’s Purse office for a morning meeting 10 am with
the steering committee for the All Liberian Life Festival. I went just as an observer, to take notes if needed
and to meet the people involved in the planning of the Festival.

After this long meeting went to a bank in the Center of
Monrovia; now I know why I wouldn’t live in big cities; just like MĂ©xico City it is crowded, bad traffic, no parking, busy, and with noise and fumes pollution.

After the bank we stopped in few other places and got home till almost 6pm.

Rainy season here is from April through October, and I have experienced some serious thunders, like the ones made tremble not long ago. (I guess I have grown up some, they don’t scare me anymore). Rain has not stopped since Thursday evening and I really like rain, but
let’s see how much I can handle. : ) 

Today Friday one of the pastors from the CCM (Community Church Ministries) came to have breakfast and talk about how to help REAP in
the WRT YEE center and how REAP can help the church with Freedom in Christ seminars.
We also had a short exciting time in the early evening. The Disel
generator started smoking; when I went out, there was a small fire coming from out of it, the gate keeper, house keeper (Big Esther) and Christine were trying to put the fire off. Esther pushed it out of the covered area to avoid the fire spreading to other things. We threw dirt inside of the generator to put the fire out. For a little while we didn’t have electricity, so I came to my room to read using a flashlight. The other generator was connected just in time for dinner time when a new guest came from Chicago; Shemilis an Ethiopian Lawyer assigned to work here for 3 weeks with the UNICEF The world is so small, he is from Addis Ababa a city in the north of Ethiopia where one of the HOM missionaries has gone many times to transfer patients from Sudan to the Fistula hospital.
Well I have been here for 5 days and I am still trying to establish a routine (Don’t know if I will be able, I am not usually a routine person). Don’t have plans for Saturday, but Sunday I will go to one of the CCM churches and see how I can get involved there.
Posted via email from lauraelena's posterous

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